Secrets to Great Health#1 The first secret…is that everyone’s secrets are different. It is called bio-individuality. Vegan eating can be right for you…but not for your neighbor. The more you learn about nutrition and the more you listen to your body, the easier it will be to figure out what is right for you.
#2 Hunger doesn’t always signal a need for food. Sometimes hunger means you need some attention. Maybe you are sad, lonely, confused, bored…so, if you take a minute before heading for the kitchen…and really try to think what it is you really want. Sometimes, it just means you are thirsty. If you pay attention to the urge you are feeling, you can learn from it…and let it go. #3 Eat healthy 90% of the time. This way you don’t look at a food you really want…and think “I better eat it now because I can never have it again.”…or worse “oh poor me, I am so deprived”. Just be sure you are up on your math and 90 doesn’t turn to 50. #4 Eat at home. Prepare your food with love and enjoy it. #5 Eat whole foods. You will notice a difference in how you feel almost immediately. (YES, that means no more Lucky Charms) #6 Meditate or Pray to reduce stress. #7 Move your body…every chance you get. #8 Journal…I can’t say it enough. If it is down on paper…you reap treasure. #9 Eat more green veggies. #10 Get a good night’s sleep #11 Drink more water…and throw some lemon in there while you are at it! #12 EAT -
© 2015 by Karen Calandra. All rights reserved.
The content on this website is for informational purposes only. The information and any recommendations on this website are not intended to replace the advice of your qualified health care provider. Karen Calandra recognizes that no one person is the same, Your health care provider should always be consulted before beginning any new exercise, supplementation, nutritional guidance or health plan. Karen Calandra assumes no responsibility for any adverse effects arising from the suggest use or application of the information contained herein. |